?> Top Ten Stats to Remember About Video Marketing! ViralLabs.net

Lights, Camera, Action! Top Ten Stats to Remember When Video Marketing!

As more and more people adopt high-speed Internet, streaming video sites like DailyMotion, uSTREAM, Vimeo, and YouTube are predicted to see viewership gains as wired and wireless speeds increase. That said online video marketing will also continue to grow by leaps and bounds as well.

According to a 2013 report published by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation found that “broadband adoption in the United States [has reached] 68.2 percent adoption rate for all households”. You’re looking at every two out of three people having access to high-speed Internet in their homes
Therefore, sites offering high quality streaming video will be an attractive media for marketing.

Check out these 10 important video marketing statistics that every marketer needs to keep in mind while online.

  1. Videos increase people’s understanding of your product or service by 74%.
  2. YouTube is the number two search engine in the world.
  3. A third of all online activity is spent watching video.
  4. The average internet user is exposed to an average of 32.2 videos in a month.
  5. Every day 100 million internet users watch an online video.
  6. 50% of users watch business related videos on YouTube once a week.
  7. 75% of users visit the marketer’s website after viewing a video.
  8. 75% of executives watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week.
  9. An average user spends 16 minutes 49 seconds watching online video ads every month.
  10. 80% of internet users remember the video ads they watch online.

HT: DigitalSherpa.com. If you like these stats, check out another 15 insightful statistics, click over to DigitalSherpa.com.

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